11.-15. 10. 2021 at Be-Creative Office, Kristianstad / Sweden Critical thinking is a term that tends to be misunderstood as a social perception. Consisting of mental processes such as reasoning, analysis and evaluation; CRITICAL THINKING is a form of careful, active, open to change and self-correcting, controlled and objective thinking. […]
26.-27. 07. 2021 at Rogepa Office, Cluj-Napoca / Roumania The Transnational Project Meeting took place in Cluj-Napoca! We are happy to come together with our transnational partners Åsa Hedlin Olsson and Ingmarie Rohdin, from Be – CREATIVE ASSOCIATION, Sweden, Burcu Demirkiran and Ahmet Yavuz, from AYDIN EĞİTİM, KÜLTÜR VE SANAT […]
26.-27. 07. 2021 at Rogepa Office, Cluj-Napoca / Roumania The meeting is planned to take place in Romania. The dissemination activities of this stage will be fine tuned and agreed upon by the partners. Potential issues will be discussed and course corrections will be agreed upon and implemented. The next […]